Укр En No

Purposes of the research center
for the years 2023-2025

regions form a digital infrastructure in the field of environmental protection
of communities in the regions use a digital mechanism of public control in their current work
scientific publications in professional domestic and foreign editions on the digitalization of the environmental sector
Changes in the approaches to the implementation of projects and tasks on the EP at the regional and local levels (maximum de-bureaucratization)


  • Basic and applied research

    Conducting fundamental and applied scientific research (implementation of NDR) in the field of digital transformation, digital development and digitalization

    Placement of scientific publications in domestic and foreign specialist publications on digitalization of public administration

    Implementation of scientific and technical developments, including developed devices, software, materials, tools and author's supervision over the use of scientific and technical developments of RC

  • Infrastructure development

    Automate data exchange between central and regional levels

    Assist in the audit of data registers and the creation of open data sets passports

    Providing automated access to open data in electronic form (API)

    Involvement of local executive bodies in the implementation of environmental measures

    Construction of information and communication infrastructure (E-Ecology)

  • Institutional and methodological support

    Audit and inventory of information and technical resources in the field of environmental protection

    Professional examination and development of draft regulatory (NPA) and technical (TA) documentation

    Development of methodological recommendations for the application of innovations (digital, geoinformation, aerospace, AI and others) in the implementation of environmental measures

    Reducing the level of ecological and legal nihilism of the population and forming a positive image of public and state environmentalists

  • Educational activities

    Activation of local public organizations, communities and activists to form local centers of digital leaders

    Involvement of intellectual capital in the development and implementation of high-tech solutions

    Formation of public opinion on the importance of environmental problems and inadmissibility of violations of environmental legislation

    Creation of educational series, including for the platform "Diia.Digital Education"

  • Innovations in the field of environmental protection

    Application of modern technologies for the implementation of UAVs in environmental protection

    Development and implementation of modern tools for managing environmental processes in enterprises for socially responsible business

    Development of digital development strategies in the spheres of public administration, education, science, economy, entrepreneurship, protection, preservation and reproduction of natural resources

  • Establishing cooperation and interaction

    Establishing cooperation with international donor organizations

    Involvement of international technical assistance resources for the implementation of digital transformation activities and projects

    Organization of presentations of innovative projects in the field of public administration at international and national events

    Involvement of local media and broadcasters in informational and popularization campaigns

Basic research

The research center on an ongoing basis conducts fundamental scientific research on digital transformations, digital development, digitalization, application of innovative technologies in the fields of public administration, economy, social communications, environmental protection, rational use, reproduction and protection of natural resources. Currently, the following possibilities are being explored to fulfill the tasks:
The use of European and Ukrainian experience for the application of geoinformation systems in public administration and social communications
The use of modern unmanned aerial vehicles during the implementation of environmental measures and the fight against poaching
Formation of a national open interactive register of environmental problems and violations in Ukraine
Transfer of social engineering technologies for the formation of public opinion and values ​​of a responsible attitude to the use of new opportunities in the conditions of the digital era
Ensuring Ukraine's rapid economic growth through the prism of sustainable development of regions and communities: a balance between extractive and environmental industries
Obtaining economic, social, anti-corruption and environmental effects from the introduction of innovations in the field of environmental protection

Applied developments

Realizing the importance of practical application of theoretical developments, the research center implements and presents to a wide range of research results, creating pilot projects to provide predictive indicators of the effectiveness of the proposed solutions. The following projects are currently being researched or implemented:

Geoinformation, communication web system "Interactive register of ecological problems of Ukraine"(version 2.0)

Mobile application for Android smartphones "EcoinspectorUA" (version 2.0)

Web-based environmental management system for socially responsible business myECO

Mobile application "EcoShkoda" of the operational headquarters of the State Environmental Inspectorate of Ukraine (version 1.0)

project EcoShkoda

Information and communication infrastructure in the field of environmental protection (E-Ecology)

Automated modules for working with open data "Verification ID", "E-Audit", "Environmental Insurance"

Automated modules "Calculation of the eco-inspector" in the areas of "Land littering", "Land pollution", "Poaching"

Participation in the creation of the ethnographic center of rural ecotourism "Farmstead "Birkivsky" on the right bank of Ukraine (Kirovohrad region)

Guidelines for the implementation and application of innovations by local communities for the implementation of environmental measures

Sociological survey "Level of awareness of citizens with the possibility of exercising their constitutional rights to a clean and safe environment" (Phase I)

11 scientific works, including 4 articles in scientific professional publications of Ukraine on public administration, 1 in a scientific publication of a foreign country, 6 abstracts in scientific and practical conferences

1 utility model patent, 1 copyright certificate for a scientific publication and 2 software certificates

Course of lectures on the subject "Organization and management of environmental activities" on "Digital mechanisms in the field of environmental protection" for students majoring in 101 - Ecology (educational qualification level "Bachelor", "Master")

Interagency cooperation has been established at the national level to ensure opportunities for the implementation of joint projects at the national level

Interagency cooperation has been established at the regional and local levels to provide opportunities for joint local environmental projects

Established cooperation and established partnerships with central and regional state environmental authorities

Preparation for printing and publication of the book-monograph on the financial system of sustainable development "Sustainable Finance: Theory, Methodology, Practice" by Dmytro Klinovyi, PhD in Economics, S.T.S.


Innovations in public administration of Ukraine

Diia Services

Portal with public services online

Diia App

Digital documents, government services and Diia.Signature - all in a smartphone

Diia.Digital education

Free educational series and national digital literacy test

Ministry of Digital Transformation

All news of digitalization in Ukraine


An online portal with free services and business development opportunities

Diia City

Legal and tax system for IT and creative industries

Staff of the research center

Yuriy Zaitsev

Iurii Zaycev

Director of SRC
Junion Researcher PhD student of the Department of public administration and project management of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Andrii Tolkunov

Andrii Tolkunov

Deputy Director of SRC,
s.r.s. SI "E-Ecology" GeoScience Ph.D.

Denis Chernikov

Denis Chernikov

Senior Lecturer of SRC,
s.r.s. SI "E-Ecology" Ph.D., Associate Professor, Senior Researcher

Dmytro Klinovoy

Dmytro Klynovyi

Senior Lecturer of SRC,
partner of SI "E-Ecology" Economics Ph.D,
Associate Professor, Senior Researcher


Taras Kozak

Senior researcher of SRC,
expert of SI "E-Ecology"
Public Administration Ph.D.

Volodymyr Moroz

Volodymyr Moroz

Senior Lecturer of SRC, Chairman of SI "E-Ecology" Public Administration Ph.D.